Thursday, March 20, 2014


This 1941 Feature Started out so great. All of the mothers got their new born, I so adorably loved watching, and than last of all Jumbo Jr. comes along. Than becomes DUMBO with a slighful sneeze. It teaches children that it is not alright to tease just because you are different. Look at me, I am hard of hearing, I was born with no outer ears and now I have ears that are built. The only difference of me and Dumbo is I can't fly LOL. Dumbo befriends a good loyal friend in TIMOTHY, The Mouse. My Timothy in high school was my good buddy THOMAS HART! He was always there to make sure no one teased me and let peope know what was the reason why I acted the way I did. I didn't talk very well back than(I could not control my tongue just rightly yet until my senior year). So Thanks for THOMAS for being my TIOMTHY THE MOUSE hee hee.

 I would have given this a FIVE star movie, but you know how I feel about certain things about evil things in this world like SMOKING or DRINKING. Yes it was not Dumbo and Timothy's fault, for how would they know that the bucket of they thought was water had alchol in the bucket? Anyhow, the Pink Elephants was a waste of my Time, you know the two were seeing things because of all the alcahol they consumed. I just don't like it when a good charecter just happens to be drinking or smoking. That whole Pink Elephant scene was such a BORE! So I gave this movie 4 Stars out 5 Stars. My favorite Scene is they Timothy and Dumbo were in the TREE and Crows were asking why were they in the tree and they were all laughing and than Timothy fights on Dumbo's behalf and explains the whole situation. What a bunch of good hearted crows.

 My Three Favorite Songs:
 #3 Casy Junior
 #2 Baby Be Mine
#1 When I See An Elephant Fly

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