Monday, March 24, 2014

Bambi (1942)

One word to describe this masterpiece is, "BEAUTIFUL"!! This is by far the best Disney movie I have seen since doing this blog. A beautiful beginning, a very sad middle part and fantastic "Twitterpating" ending. A movie following the birth of the young prince and watching grow up in the young handsome prince JR beside his Brave Dad is so very moving. You learn love, sadness as well as being BRAVE.

 My favorite Scene Stealer "YOU CAN CALL ME FLOWER IF HE WANTS TO, I DON"T MIND" by the Loveable Bashful Skunk just melts your heart to think slightly differently about Skunks. However I did Love the Twitterpated scenes of Flower, Thumper and Bambi instance falling in LOVE. It was sad to see Bambi's Mom get shot, but as my good friend CHARI has told me not too long ago(She Owns Cows), God Has Provided us(MAN) with food of the Air, Sea and Land. So Yes it is sad to see death of Bambi, but good food was Provided for Man-Kind and not to mention, Deer Meat is more healthy for you than any meat right? I give this movie a perfect 5 STARS all the way...

There are only two songs I can recall from the movie that I like that are really worth listening: LITTLE APRIL SHOWER as well as the nominated oscar song LOVE IS A SONG