This is by far the greatest DISNEY movie of the past 10 movies I have watched and blogged about thus far. This is one of those Christian-value movies and I so love Burl Ives role in this movie. This is a story of a little boy who adopted a little black lamb that gets born on their farm and works real hard in raising money so he, granny and uncle(Burl Ives) and cousin go to the county fair. There is also Animation in this movie(kinda like what Mary Poppins Does). I must say good things happen to those that LOVE THE LORD. I give this movie 5 STARS out of 5.
My favorite song(I could not find) is Lavander Blue Dilly Dilly sung by the Great Burl Ives.
Here are clips from the Animated part of the movie: Enjoy...
I really liked this movie. This movie is collection of two short stories, which started out as Jimminy Cricket(Pinocchio) starts singing as tells a story of BONCHO the Circus Bear who falls in love with a cutie girl-bear. I so love the narration by Dinah Shore and Songs she sings.
The other story follows Jimminy as he hops along to a house near by where its someone's birthday when she was asked would she like to hear a story. The story is about Micky, Donald and Goofy called Mickey and The Beanstalk. Many remember this story how a magical harp was stolen by a GIANT and Mickey and gang rescues the golden harp to bring happiness back to the land.
Wonderful beautiful Stories I so love. My favorite scene is when Boncho gets slapped by the cutie girl bear and they fall in love. So cute. I love this quote Fee Fi Fee Fee, Wait I Don't Know No FEE FEE as stated by the Giant. HA HA HA... I could not find a soundtrack to determine what songs were played so no list of favorite songs although all three would have been by DINAH SHORE. I give this movie 5 out of 5 STARS... TRAILER
I am not sure I am gonna finish this one. Guess you can say history in foreign language slightly bores me. Some of the cartoons are kinda cute in this series in which DONALD DUCK gets birthday presents from his Brazille friends. Who know you make like this movie, but this is one I will not re-watch, unless I have kids. Since it kinda bored me(even the music did) I will have to give this movie 3 stars out of 5. This makes it the lowest ever of all the Disney Movies I have seen thus far since starting this blog.
My favorite scene though is the Donkey Race SCENE.
Here is the Trailer of the Movie:
One word to describe this masterpiece is, "BEAUTIFUL"!! This is by far the best Disney movie I have seen since doing this blog. A beautiful beginning, a very sad middle part and fantastic "Twitterpating" ending.
A movie following the birth of the young prince and watching grow up in the young handsome prince JR beside his Brave Dad is so very moving. You learn love, sadness as well as being BRAVE.
My favorite Scene Stealer "YOU CAN CALL ME FLOWER IF HE WANTS TO, I DON"T MIND" by the Loveable Bashful Skunk just melts your heart to think slightly differently about Skunks. However I did Love the Twitterpated scenes of Flower, Thumper and Bambi instance falling in LOVE.
It was sad to see Bambi's Mom get shot, but as my good friend CHARI has told me not too long ago(She Owns Cows), God Has Provided us(MAN) with food of the Air, Sea and Land. So Yes it is sad to see death of Bambi, but good food was Provided for Man-Kind and not to mention, Deer Meat is more healthy for you than any meat right?
I give this movie a perfect 5 STARS all the way...
There are only two songs I can recall from the movie that I like that are really worth listening: LITTLE APRIL SHOWER as well as the nominated oscar song LOVE IS A SONG
This 1941 Feature Started out so great. All of the mothers got their new born, I so adorably loved watching, and than last of all Jumbo Jr. comes along. Than becomes DUMBO with a slighful sneeze. It teaches children that it is not alright to tease just because you are different. Look at me, I am hard of hearing, I was born with no outer ears and now I have ears that are built. The only difference of me and Dumbo is I can't fly LOL. Dumbo befriends a good loyal friend in TIMOTHY, The Mouse.
My Timothy in high school was my good buddy THOMAS HART! He was always there to make sure no one teased me and let peope know what was the reason why I acted the way I did. I didn't talk very well back than(I could not control my tongue just rightly yet until my senior year). So Thanks for THOMAS for being my TIOMTHY THE MOUSE hee hee.
I would have given this a FIVE star movie, but you know how I feel about certain things about evil things in this world like SMOKING or DRINKING. Yes it was not Dumbo and Timothy's fault, for how would they know that the bucket of they thought was water had alchol in the bucket? Anyhow, the Pink Elephants was a waste of my Time, you know the two were seeing things because of all the alcahol they consumed. I just don't like it when a good charecter just happens to be drinking or smoking. That whole Pink Elephant scene was such a BORE! So I gave this movie 4 Stars out 5 Stars.
My favorite Scene is they Timothy and Dumbo were in the TREE and Crows were asking why were they in the tree and they were all laughing and than Timothy fights on Dumbo's behalf and explains the whole situation. What a bunch of good hearted crows.
I must say I really enjoyed this Movie. I would not say this is a movie like Snow White or Picnocchio, however, I love Walt Disney heart ways of making a movie. This is a movie about a young@heart guy (kinda like myself and my good friend GREG from my favorite band 70times7), whose wife wants him to give an idea of a movie after his wife reads THE RELUCTANT DRAGON to him.
She drops him off at Walt's studio lot while she does some shopping. A young army like guy escorts him to get to Disney but he keeps being separated from the young dude. So all the time he finds himself in parts of the studio for example Sound Effect where they make a TRAIN SOUND and all that. He also finds himself in a modle room where a live elephant is there(apparently they are working on DUMBO) and watches how many workers in that room makes elephant sketches. It was really interesting.
Finally he meets Walt and just before he has a chance to tell him of his IDEA, Walt says can you stick around on a video we just made and guess what it was? Yep...The Reluctant Dragon. HA HA HA HA.
No songs, but I give this move a full 5 STARS Here is a little bit of the movie
FANTASIA is my third Disney movie to talk about after watching the movie. This is not ordinary Disney Movie. If you closed your eyes the whole entire time during the film it would almost like being at SYMPHONY concert. Now it would not be a good thing since there are great images you would surely miss out on.
The first word that comes to my mind to say anything good about this film is IMAGINATION.
So as the movie starts out, you see the orchestra tuning up and getting ready for the big performance. As they were doing this, two fondly Remembrance came to mind, First one was just how much fun being in BAND was. I recall those great times playing on my Percussion Instruments. The other remembrance that occurred to me was back around when I was 7 or 8 my whole entire school in Cape Elizabeth, Maine went on a field trip to the theater and this was the movie we saw. I believe it was my first time ever saw the movie, but you know as a kid analyzing a movie like this was not gonna come to you.
So my top 3 favorite songs are:
#3 Ave Maria Opt 52 No. 6
#2 The Whole Entire Nut Cracker Suite
#1 Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
As I was listening to the first song, I kept thinking of Vannessa Mae the first Classical music to break into the Dance charts. Toccotta is one interesting classical song. Now for my favorite, creapiest and scariest scenes of the movie.
My favorite scene about the whole movie is the conductor showed the how a SOUND looks. When he asked a certain instrument to play a long LINE shows what it looks like after being played. I thought it was pretty interesting. The creepiest scene is the one about the DINASOURS. I am sorry, not too keen about Dinasaours or Eviloution and all that. Not a topic to talk about in this blog though. Now the scariest part which I think it was a good idea to teach kids that YES there is a HELL. That scene was pretty darn scary and as I kept watching it, I am like that is not a place I desire not to be. This was truly was a great experience and first DISNEY movie I give a full 5 STARS.
The second Feature Movie to watch for this blog is the one and only Pinocchio. The beginning of the movie starts out the way you never thought you would hear singing. The scene stealer and possibly the best cricket singer, Jimminy Crickett belts out the best song in the whole movie and also Oscar Nominated "WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR". The conscience fellow cracks up during the whole beginning of the movie, then my cracking buckles down when the two Temptation Foxes come upon the scene.
I understand why having them in to show and teach kids why Rebellious is so very wrong, but for me I dislike watching it because it involves drinking and smoking and all that Rebel and disobedience kids do. Also, not a fan of hearing a certain word that saids about three times in the whole movie, they could have done without that Jack you know what word, but it did prove a point. Sometimes rebellious kids could be one of them.
My three favorite songs are:
#3 I've Got No Strings
#2 Give A Little Whisle
#1 When You Wish Upon A Star
I would have given this a Five Star movie but it just hard for someone like me to watch a good charecter smoking and drinking, yeah it is only cartoons, but still that is my opion. I give it 4.5 star out of 5.
This is a new blog I decided to start by watching DISNEY MOVIES. I just finished watching Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. I really like this classic movie from 1937. It starts out really nice and lovely with Snow singing to the animals wishing on true love. I know we all want that. Then it gets dark where her own evil stepmother wants nothing better than to have her killed. Happily ever after happens where evil collapses.
My favorite scene is the Soap get wash scene. My three favorite songs:
3. I'm Wishing
2. Whistle While You Work
1. Heigh Ho
This is a must movie to watch, I give it 4.5 Starts out of 5 Stars.