Saturday, September 26, 2015

Davy Crockett and the River Pirates(1956)

 Here is the 2nd Feature from 1956 and 31st Feature Disney Movie starring the great FESS PARKER. This guy is such a great actor, no wonder Disney Kept around for many of their movies. 

The third I have seen thus far and look OLD YELLER is a coming up soon. You may not believe, I have not yet seen this movie but i have heard such great stories. Ok back to Davy Crockett. Although

I prefer the original movie KING OF FRONTIER better than this, however this is a likeable a movie. I would have given this 5 stars but many of you know how I feel of drinking and bar scenes. This is why I gave it 4.5 stars.

There are few good songs on here. I will have to try to find the songs on ITUNES if i can to add to my Disney Collection of songs.


Davy and George are a great Duo of charecters.

Enjoy the Trailer on Youtube:


Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Great Locomotive Chase(1956)

 My first 1956 Disney Movie is a great classic of a movie. I like this movie so much that as of right now after the First 30 movies is my #4 favorite DISNEY movie from 1937-1956. Wild thought only 30 Disney FEATURES been made through that era of time. However I must say, if you are a FAN of Civil War just as I am, you will be fascinated and impressed from this real life story based on one of the NORTH SOLDIER who wrote a book of his experience. Just gave me chills of how he is fellow soldier friends survived from the hands of the CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS. This is worth seeing for sure. I give this 5 Stars. KUDOS to the great song-singing. I wonder if there is a soundtrack from this movie?!.

The Two Best Characters In This Whole Entire Movie and for those who don't Recognize, MR. ANDREWS is guy who plays DAVY CROCKETT. Another great character of a guy.


Here is the Trailer of this Master Pieace of a movie:


Friday, September 4, 2015

The Littlest Outlaw(1955)

 The Last Disney Movie of 1955 was a great Family Feature. A lot of Mexican and Latino Children would probably adore this movie so very much. About a little boy who protects this horse after an order it was to be killed. He runs away trying to get the HORSE back into health and than brings back to righful owner after then the horse belonged to him. Loved the ending. You see doing the RIGHT thing, Great Rewards will come to you. I give this 4.5 out 5 stars. Really enjoyed watching this movie.


Saturday, August 29, 2015

The African Lion(1955)

 There is one more movie of 1955 to watch and I will be on to 1956 soon. My 28th Disney Movie is yet another NATURE MOVIE and you know how I feel about most of these Disney Nature Documentary Movies. HOWEVER, this one was simply the best yet. At first I thought it was gonna be nothing about LIONS, but is really a movie about how Animals in AFRICA survives through MOTHER NATURE. I highly rec. that each child see this movie. Great education on ANIMALS and how they survive this great earth that GOD has created for us. I gave 4.5 starts out of 5.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Lady And The Tramp(1955)

I know it has been awhile Since I have seen a Disney Movie. I finally saw one of my favorite Disney Movies ever. I just love Doggy Movies. These four dogs are JOCK, TRUSTY, LADY and TRAMP have great chemisty together.


Just love the story how we see little LADY being giving as a christmas present to DARLING and we watch her grow up and how things start changing all because of a baby. However things got a little Scary for LADY but it all turned out great in the end and TRUSTY says the best line ever in the whole movie at the end. I can't tell you what it is because you must watch to BELIEVE me.

 Here is the Best Song from the Movie:

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Davy Crockett:The King Of The Wild Fronteir(1955)

 One of the better movies I have seen in the first 26 Disney movies and I must admit, I didn't think I was gonna bawl at the end when Ol Davy fighting for his life at the ALAMO, although I knew what the outcome would be. What an amazing historical figure and what a guy he must have been. If had a wish to meet some figures in time, he sure would be one of them. Courage and Bravery and Loyalty are three strong words that suit this legend of a guy. 5 stars all the way.


20,000 Leauges Under The Sea(1954)

 If it was not for Peter Lorre, I may not have liked the movie as much as I did. Not too much of UNDER THE SEA type of movie(unless its LITTLE MERMAID), however he made it worth watching and Kirk Douglas to me was the one worth watching the most. What a great charecter NED is. Basically its a story about a guy who has so much HATE for all of man HUMANITY and to me that is a crying shame in living that way. Yes, he had trials in life but all of us HUMANS will have trials in life. I give this movie 4 stars. Kirk sings some pretty funny songs but the CAPTAIN played a good CALCUTTA version on the ships organ.


The Vanishing Prairie(1954)

One of the few rare Nature Movies I liked from this disney movies. I like watching animals but these aniamls are really fun to watch and how they survive in nature life. The prairie land to me are very beautiful, not saying I wanna live there, but it sure is a pretty sight to behold. The prairie dogs sure did make me laugh and being one of the smallest out of all the nature animals, they sure have gots and bravery. I give this movie a 4.5 stars.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rob Roy:The Highland Rogue(1954)

I so liked seeing this movie. I notice the mother of Mary Poppins was in this one as Helen Mary did a remarkable job. I love watching movies about SCOTTISH people and most likely this one because it is based on a true story. Now war is never one of my favorite things about watching movies but there has been quite a few on this earth. This is a such a great legend story and worth seeing that is for sure. I recognized the guy who played the SHERRIFF from SCOTLAND YARD in the 1954-55 Sherlock Holmes Series and I was like YEAH! I give this movie a 5 out 5 stars. I really enjoyed this one. Here is the Movie Trailer:

The Living Desert(1953)

This is another one of those Disney Documentary movies which would be great for history classes or even science classes for that matter. I just find this incredibly so B-o-R-I-N-G. I just don't find it that fascinating how animals and plants and such survive living in the Desert Climate. However all you science buff and nature buffs are sure to love this movie. The Most Fascinating part of this whole movie:


 Can you ever imagine the WASP being able to kill this big huge spider? So after watching this movie I give it 3 stars out of 5. IT was kinda fascinating but over all not my kind of movie.

 Here is the TRAILER:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Sword and The Rose(1953)

This live action movie, is one of the most boring and unlikely I would ever re-watch again. Mostly like I dislike this one because the story of ROYALTY is not a pleasant one to watch where is a princess is force to marry someone against her will and when her heart belongs to someone else. Also this princess was too much of a snob to me. I do like the the actress(The Future MRS BANKS FROM MARY POPPINS). Just too much of Jealousy and dis=respect towards life makes this to score high. I give this movie 2.5 stars out 5. Here is the TRAILER:

Friday, April 3, 2015

Peter Pan(1953)

 I finally watched this movie. Itunes didn't have it to rent, and My showbox kept messing up on the WIFI ha ha, then silly me forgot to check if youtube had the movie on there. Should have done that two weeks ago.

 For this 20th straight disney movie since the 1st one of Snow White, sad to say, not one of my higher rating ones.

 First of all, I am not really a PIRATE fan if you catch my drift, second of all I don't like seeing charecters SMOKE and one of the kids took a puff of one. However, I so loved the Crocodile Scenes ALL OF THEM. Tik Tok Tik Tok LOL. What a coward Captain Hook was hee hee. The younger kids will certainly love this classic disney movie.

 Best song is YOU CAN FLY song. I did like the song that Wendy sang about her mother and being home as she sang to the LOST BOYS. Tinker Bell, what a charecter. I rate this 4 out of 5 stars.

 Here is the TRAILER:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Story Of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men(1952)

Now this is a story worth watching. If you like the ANIMATED Robin Hood from 1970s, you sure will love this LIVE adaption of Robin Hood. One of the better Disney movie classics. The love between Robin and Merian, makes your heart melt. I think there should be more movies like these and DEAR TO MY HEART for today's generation. The fight between Little John and Robin Hood was a treasure to watch. I am thinking of buying this one to add to my digital collection. I rate this movie 5 STARS.

 My favorite charecter is the guy who sang and played on his little instrument.


Here is the Trailer:

Alice In Wonderland(1951)

 This is one of those animated movies you must watch when you are not so BORED or TIRED, but anyhow still a very good movie. I loved all the IMAGINATION. A lot of goofy charecters like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum(I belong with them), and pack of playing cards i find very amusing. Basically this whole story is about girl following a WHITE RABBIT all over wonderland. My favorite scene is when they do the UNBIRTHDAY song and Ed WYNN does a great job as the voice of MAD HATTER. Love the Disney Alumnai. The White Rabbit though is my favorite charecter in this whole adventure of a movie. Many of you know how I feel about the smoking. It if wasn't for that I would have given the movie 4.5 stars, but I am giving it 4 STARS becuase of the smoking. My favorite song is UNBIRTHDAY SONG:

 Here is the Trailer:

Friday, March 13, 2015

Treasure Island(1950)

Now this was an interesting movie to watch. I never was one for to watch movies about Pirates because #1 most Pirate movies are slightly B-O-R-I-N-G and #2 I so dislike the life style and their way of talking. Anyhow, because I so loved the ANIMATED movie that comes years later (TREASURE PLANET), it was very easy for me to tolorate this Disney version and not to mention that BOBBY DRISCOLL was cast in this. For those who do not know this boy, you need to watch SONG OF THE SOUTH and SO DEAR TO MY HEART. He was the little boy in all three movies. Such a delightful boy actor he was. If it wasn't for him, I really don't think I would have liked this movie. Talk about Bravery on the young lad and change of conscience on the pirate which made my mind to give this movie a 4.5 star rating. It was not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Only Disney can do this.

 My Favorite Chareceter:

Creepy Charecter:

I bet you thought I was gonna say the LONG JOHN SILVER eh? He was a little of both, creepy and nicey-nice of a charecter. At first I thought he was JOHN WAIT(THE WALTONS) but saw the name and thought what a kinda of a look a like.

 Here is the TRAILER.


I am so delighted to have been able to watch this movie. If you are a very down stage and want to be right back up, this is a good movie to watch. The sillyness will make your heart laugh and smile and not to mention LOVE. Very emotional movie, well for the older folks. It is not fun watching someone being used as a slave by their own family, even if it is their| STEPS. The mother(Not pure evil) who does anything for her real daughters and make CINDERELLA do everything. All because of this you want to love Cinderalla with all of your heart. No one person should have to suffer the way that she did. However, her attitude and love towards other(especially aniamls) is such a delight to see. I must mention, HOW I LOVE GUS! If i were to play in a live action cinderlla, that is ME hee hee.... Anyhow, I loved how Cinderella gets her happily ever after, especially the way her step sisters treated to her on her dress. I am like, how did she know that certain things were theirs. Anyhow, I gave this movie a 5 STARS. My Top 3 Favorite Charecters: #3


CINDERELLA of course


Friday, March 6, 2015

My Top 10 Disney Movies From 1937-1949

I have it made it my DISNEY FRIENDS. I have seen every movie from 1930s and 1940s and blogged each and every movie. So to celebrate I would Countdown my Top 10 Favorite Disney movie from this ERA. Each one is special in it's own way.









#2 Bambi



The Adventures Of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)

I really enjoyed this film so very much. The soothing

narration of Rathbone and Crosby are so fantastic. I wish they both have done more disney animated movies. Mr. Toad a very clever toad got into trouble when being accused of stealing a motor car and Ichabod, a very good teach but has a desire of eating, falls in love with a girl but it is scared away by the tale of the headless horeseman. The song by Bing Crosby is so great that it kinda makes you laugh. This overall experience gives me a full 5 stars and longing to see more animated movies like this one. A true classic indeed. Here is the full movie:


Melody Time (1948)

This Musical feature reminds me so much of MAKE MY MUSIC, although I fair this one much better than the lass. The music was so fantastic. I have such a soft spot for the dear ANDREW SISTERS. Sometimes I wonder why they Recycle cartoons and put them in a new feature. That was the first part of the of this movie that was called WINTER SOLICSTICE. It was not bad, in fact one of the better ones of this whole movie about love and such and very beautiful too.

 My favorite one was the story of JOHNNY APPLESEED. I never get tired of watching that cartoon of this fable. The Pecos and Bill was pretty interesting but the end part was kinda weird and un-realistic, if you know what I mean. So I give this movie 4.5 stars out of 5.

 Here is my favorite songs from the Movie:





Friday, February 27, 2015


This is not your typical Disney movie.  This is mostly a history type of watching.  It is interesting learning about Planes for our use through war, but I must admit, I find this type of movie pretty boring to watch.
I am not a big fan of war and not a fan in how these planes were used in fighting wars.  So in this short blog, I  give this movie the lowest I have given since doing this blog.  I rate this movie 2.5 stars.  The history was great and the cartoons are fun to watch but overall B=O=R=I=N=G.

Here is the Movie from YOUTUBE: