Now this was an interesting movie to watch. I never was one for to watch movies about Pirates because #1 most Pirate movies are slightly B-O-R-I-N-G and #2 I so dislike the life style and their way of talking. Anyhow, because I so loved the ANIMATED movie that comes years later (TREASURE PLANET), it was very easy for me to tolorate this Disney version and not to mention that BOBBY DRISCOLL was cast in this. For those who do not know this boy, you need to watch SONG OF THE SOUTH and SO DEAR TO MY HEART. He was the little boy in all three movies. Such a delightful boy actor he was. If it wasn't for him, I really don't think I would have liked this movie.
Talk about Bravery on the young lad and change of conscience on the pirate which made my mind to give this movie a 4.5 star rating. It was not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Only Disney can do this.
My Favorite Chareceter:
Creepy Charecter:
I bet you thought I was gonna say the LONG JOHN SILVER eh? He was a little of both, creepy and nicey-nice of a charecter. At first I thought he was JOHN WAIT(THE WALTONS) but saw the name and thought what a kinda of a look a like.
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