This is a one of the greatest DISNEY stories ever and it is sad that people would have to say this is a bad movie because of certain convictions of the heart. I don't like to use the R word but many people think this movie is about Racism. Do not people remember what it was like back in the slavery times when(sorry for this language) WHITES had BLACKS and Blacks were told what to do? Yes I do believe it was horribly WRONG, and I never would ever wanna see that again. However, this story about UNCLE RAMUS! My favorite character teaching a white little boy the simple things in life. That is all it was and telling stories of Bare Rabbit, Fox and Bear to the little boy was priceless. The best thing in this whole movie was the singing of ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH! Here is the link to that wonderful song!

The song won an Oscar for Best song and Uncle Ramus sould have won for best actor, My Opion. I would have given this a full rated 5 stars but you know how I feel about SMOKING. Uncle Ramus and a cartoon charecter are sitting together have a smoke, I just can't stand when Children have to see that or drinking. However it is a remarkable movie. Go and see it!
Here is the